newsmanwha – an editorial cartoon: 최철주 문화디자인박사의 시사만평 뉴스 한줄 Dr. Chul-joo Choi's editorial cartoon line news (2021-02-15) – 시사만평: 시사만평 뉴스 [13] 군사 쿠데타에 대한 미얀마 신의 현현(顯現) - 만화가 최철주, 웹툰 뉴스: 시사만평 뉴스 한줄 A line News of Chul-joo Choi’s an editorial cartoon news
- 만화디자이너 & 미디어아트 페인터 최철주, 페인팅 & 웹툰 디자인 작품 Choi Chul-joo, Cartoon Designer & media art painter, Painting & Webtoon Design Works / A hand-painted picture by Chul-joo Choi on a computer & webtoon news cartoon design works by cartoon designer Chul-joo Choi
Chul-joo Choi, , a hand-painted picture on a computer
■ 최철주 문화디자인박사의 시사만평 뉴스 한줄 (Dr. Chul-joo Choi's an editorial cartoon line news)
. a demonstration against the coup in Myanmar.
. une manifestation contre le coup d'État au Myanmar.
. Myanmar's god has made it clear to oppose military coups.
. Le dieu du Myanmar a clairement exprimé son opposition aux coups d'État militaires.
Chul-joo Choi, , a hand-painted picture on a computer
최철주 문화디자인박사의 시사만평 (Dr. Chul-joo Choi’s an editorial cartoon)
Chul-joo Choi’s an editorial cartoon© All rights reserved
Chul-joo Choi, , a hand-painted picture on a computer