인스타그램 만화뉴스(Instargram Manwha news): [1] 마이애미 붕괴 건물 철거 - 웹툰뉴스 만화가 & 문화디자인박사 최철주, 만화 뉴스 한줄 평론 A line News of Choi Chul-joo’s Manwha(cartoon) News Review - 만화디자이너 & 미디어아티스트 최철주, 페인팅 & 웹툰 디자인 작품 Choi Chul-joo, Cartoon Designer & media artist, Painting & Webtoon Design Works: A hand-painted picture by Chul-joo Choi on a computer & webtoon news cartoon design works by cartoon designer Chul-joo Choi
Chul-joo Choi, <Miami Building Collapse 8>, a hand-painted picture on a computer
Chul-joo Choi’s an editorial cartoon©blog.naver.com/c7manwha All rights reserved
▒ 만화가 최철주, 만화평론 한줄 뉴스:
. 마이애미 건물 붕괴: 철거 전 생명에 대한 수색 일시 중단
. Miami Building Collapse: Suspend Search for Life Before Demolition
. Effondrement du bâtiment Miami : suspension temporaire de la recherche sur la vie avant l'enlèvement
. 迈阿密建筑倒塌:拆除前暂时中断对生命的搜索
. マイアミ建物崩壊:撤去前に生命に対する捜索が一時中断
Chul-joo Choi, <Miami Building Collapse 8-1>, a hand-painted picture on a computer
[페이스북 뉴스만평 단어해석 ː the interpretation of words in a cartoon news ː l’interprétation du mot dans une nouvelle caricature] ■ newsmanwha Review of Choi Chul-joo’s cartoon news/ 만화가 & 미디어아트 페인터 최철주 newsmanwha Review : 페인팅 & 웹툰 디자인 작품 A hand-painted picture by Choi Chul-joo on a computer & webtoon news cartoon design works by cartoon designer & media art painter Chul-joo Choi 인스타그램 만화뉴스(Instargram Manwha news): [1] 마이애미 붕괴 건물 철거, * 마이애미 건물 붕괴 _ Miami Building Collapse _ Effondrement du bâtiment Miami _ 迈阿密建筑倒塌 _ マイアミ建物崩壊