design review - Cartoon Reviews -Cartoon Exhibition Reviews: Manwha critic Choi Chul-joo's Manwha Design Criticism/ Korean Contemporary Cartoon Designer & contemporary cartoonist and historical artist Chul-joo Choi's News Manwha Exhibition: A line News of Choi Chul-joo’s Manwha Review, Newsbusan Manwha Review, Manwha Review Choi Chul-joo.KangGyeong-ho K-Pop Star 20191129-20191205, Hansae Museum
한국현대 만화디자이너 최철주 뉴스 만화전: 최철주 만화평론 한줄 뉴스, 최철주.강경호 만평 K-Pop스타, 뉴스부산만평
Korean Contemporary Cartoon Designer & contemporary cartoonist and historical artist Choi Chul-joo's "News Manwha Exhibition": A line News of Choi Chul-joo’s Manwha Review, Newsbusan Manwha Review, Manwha Review Choi Chul-joo.KangGyeong-ho K-Pop Star
Choi Chul-joo's cartoon review "a line News of Manwha Review" is a Korean contemporary news manwha with a single cut of cartoon
According to a line of news in the manwha review, it is not an actual news image but a cartoon to show the consciousness of news.
This is because of a line of cartoon review that comics reveal meaning within the realm of news. In other words, the effect of attracting attention to news cartoons is one sentence that reviews the standards of news images.
Euclidean geometry of visual space concept caused the meaning of a new time in Albert Einstein's theory of relativity to perceive the visible space of visual image
In modern times, it is news cartoon art that consists of a phenomenon of formative geometry that reconstructs space into cartoons.
This is a contemporary cartoonist and historical painting that shows the same phenomena of events and life as the historical painting until modern times.
Choi Chul-joo, a contemporary cartoonist and historical artist, speaks of meaning as a line of comic reviews.
M. designer, Chul-joo Choi at Hansae Museum
Nevertheless, it sheds light on the news through realistic cartoons as an invisible comment.
Therefore, news comics eliminate the illusory space of the figures shown in the news through non-perspective space descriptions to describe the meaning of events without reproducing reality. It's a contemporary cartoon, like Picasso, that expresses the object in time. and reconstructs the pictures of events with a stationary time and draws realistic cartoons with metaphors of a line of review language's concept.
The meaning of a manwha review in a single line of news is a comic image structure in which the meaning of a single line of news is drawn in a single image, resulting in the retroactive meaning of the news, and the metaphorical meaning behind the sentence of a cartoon review is disclosed.
This cartoon is a Korean cartoon, or manwha, with a image of cartoon reviews and a line news of reviews, discussing the authenticity of the incident tailored to the news and portraying its image as a cartoon.
In this way, it's "A line News of Choi Chul-joo’s Manwha Review" and "NewsBusan Manwha Review" to draw the news of the incident in a single cut cartoon and describe the cartoon in a single line reviews. "Manwha Review Choi Chul-joo.Kang Gyeong-ho K-Pop Star" describe the Korean News of incident in a single sketch cartoon
This is the same as cartoon critic Choi Chul-joo's "A line News of Choi Chul-joo’s Manwha Review", as he did of cartoon reviews "Ko Woo-young's Suhoji.“
In other words, there is a retroactive semantic effect in a line of cartoon review, with the simultaneous appearance of language and linguistic expression, and thus an image cartoon meaning the whole cartoon review.
As a contemporary Korean cartoon designer, Choi Chul-joo reconstructs the incident photo of the news as a process of drawing cartoons, drawing a sketch cartoon of the news with the concept of the background of the incident and a line of cartoon reviews. It is a cartoon of several scenes arranged like storyboards with news processes and results in one result of the news like a storyboard.
Therefore, Choi Chul-joo's cartoon review "A line News of Choi Chul-joo’s Manwha Review" is a combination of a realistic cartoon sketch of a photo and a cartoon review in line with the events carried out by the news.
Reconfigure the background picture of an event to match what an event calls a new meaning of cartoon reviews and draw attention to a cartoonized distinct cartoon sketch.
And he draw like a scene in an episode with a realistic cartoon sketch so that the thema of the event and the scene of the incident will be presided over.
Internet newspaper ( NewsBusan, epitomizing the news cartoon make the cut, since September 10 in 2018 and comic sketches and line up in the news.
It is Cartoon reviews Choi Chul-joo and KangG yeong-ho's K-Pop star that made the news of Korean celebrities' incidents into a cut in an episode of a cartoon reviews.
"Choi Chul-joo. Kang Gyeong-ho. Manpyong K-pop STAR" section is newly established in NewsBusan (July 31,19) to introduce cut cartoons and cartoon reviews featuring K-pop stars covering new talents and stars.
In addition, Choi Chul-joo's Cartoon Critic 'A line News is a cut cartoon reviews with events and eye-catching news in the world of the global village.
Choi Chul-joo, 'Jeongcho and Inwangsan Tigers,' Marker on Paper, 2010
"A line News of Choi Chul-joo’s Manwha Review" is the same as a sentence in the speech bubble of the cartoon (Jeongcho and Inwangsan Tiger), which was drawn along with Korean first-generation cartoonists Cho Kwan-je, Jo hang-ri, Shin Moon-soo, Kim Ma-jung, Yoon Seong-yoon, Lee Jung-moon, Kang Chang-wook, and Seo seo-young at "The Tiger Year" held in 2010.
Choi Chul-joo's cartoon reviews started with a line news of manwha review that was displayed in a speech balloon(There's a tiger who doesn't even know about Inwangsan!) at "The Tiger Year" held in 2010.
It is a cut cartoon with a sentence of cartoon reviews conceived by the tiger proverb at the time, and Jeong-cho, a beautiful woman, and a tiger looking at woman from behind. This a line(sentence) of cartoon reviews depicts a combination of developments and consequences, as the proverb says in a cut cartoon, which reconstructs the truth of the incident, the picture of the incident and the daily story.
It actually provides an image of the contemporary ritualistic phenomenon and the K-Pop entertainment industry's news incident structure through sketch cartoon.
It also provides a glimpse of events and news in the global community and everyday life and death.
One cut news manwha is a cut cartoon that combines process and results of event with a single sentence of cartoon reviews that match the event in the visual by sketching the character of the incident as a sketch of photo.
One cut cartoon shows its meaning and one sentence of the cartoon review takes its meaning by enjoying the cartoon image. The meaning here is equated with the image of the cartoon and becomes a significant space for the viewer to see its meaning.
The space embodies the nature of the news cartoon reviews by allowing emotion to look like the main character of the event and the actual event scene.
Choi Chul-joo's Cartoon News is a cartoon that presents news. The comic strip depicts the vibrations of events as a single cut cartoon with the beat of the news repeated over and over again.
Thus, the cartoon equates any outward image of the event scene to a level of meaning in the structured cartoon centered on the actuality of the news.
The news in a chain of space-levels vibrate like the everyday life of the global village.
Go to the review of cartoons and review them to match the events, making the news of the cartoon review and adapting the images of the news to the event like cartoons.
Writing. Chul-joo Choi (contemporary cartoonist and historical artist & Doctor of Design)
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