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만화뉴스 - 만평/만화뉴스 - K pop song

만화뉴스 KPS: [15] 'BLACK PINK', 'AS IF IT'S YOUR LAST' 뮤직비디오 8억 회 재생 돌파.(2020.06.12.) - K-Pop Song news

by 루이 최 2020. 6. 15.

newsmanwha K-Pop Song [15] 'BLACK PINK', 'AS IF IT'S YOUR LAST' 뮤직비디오 8억 회 재생 돌파.(2020.06.12.)

- 최철주 만화 뉴스 K-Pop Song newsmanwha of Choi Chul-joo’s cartoon news

- 웹툰 뉴스 만화 디자이너 최철주, 만화 디자인 뉴스 한줄 평론 A line News of Choi Chul-joo’s Manwha(cartoon) News Review & Computer-generated Picture(webtoon news cartoon design works)

Choi Chul-joo, , a computer-generated picture



▒ 만화디자이너 최철주 만화디자인 뉴스: 만평 한줄 뉴스의 만화디자인

Manwha Designer Choi Chul-joo’s Cartoon News

- Chul-joo Choi’s Manwha(cartoon) Review: one sentence news & news manwha design

(1) K-pop song 만화평론 뉴스, 만평 한줄:

. 'BLACK PINK', 'AS IF IT'S YOUR LAST' 뮤직비디오 8억 회 재생 돌파.(2020.06.12.)

. BLACKPINK’s MV For ‘AS IF IT’S YOUR LAST’ Surpasses 800M Views (2020.06.12.)

[the source: https://yg-life.com]

. Le MV de BLACKPINK pour "AS IF IT'S YOUR LAST'' Surpassages 800M de vues (2020.06.12.)

. 《BLACK PINK》,《AS IF IT'S YOUR LAST》MV重播突破8亿次(2020.06.12.)

. 「BLACKPINK」、「AS IF IT’S YOUR LAST」MVが8億回再生突破. (2020.06.12.)

Choi Chul-joo, , a computer-generated picture

Choi Chul-joo, , a computer-generated picture

Choi Chul-joo, , a computer-generated picture

Choi Chul-joo, , a computer-generated picture


[만화뉴스 단어해석 ː the interpretation of words in a cartoon news ː l’interprétation du mot dans une nouvelle caricature] ■ newsmanwha K-Pop Song of Choi Chul-joo’s cartoon news/ 만화디자이너 최철주 newsmanwha K-Pop Song 만화뉴스 & 웹툰 만화 디자인 Computer-generated Picture [15] 'BLACK PINK', 'AS IF IT'S YOUR LAST' 뮤직비디오 8억 회 재생 돌파.(2020.06.12.), * 돌파 _ Surpasses _ Surpassages _ 突破 _ 突破。