추상화가 최철주|현대추상미술평론 현대추상화가평론 현대미술추상작품평론 Contemporary Abstract Art Painter Criticism [7] Abstract contemporary art that designed modern art abstract painting [5] Abstract painter Louis Choi Chuljoo Abstract art work: Contemporary art abstract artist Louis Choi Chul-joo portrays realistic pop art abstractions as treacherous conceptual art through the series of "Morning glory" and "Bamboo Forest." / Contemporary artist Louis Choi Chul-joo's realistic abstraction of treacherous conceptual art and abstraction of modern art based on the concept of the desires of others: <morning glory p45-3>

욕망 개념 추상화 작품 Louis, morning glory p45-3, a hand-painted picture on a computer, 2022 / 만화뉴스 만평을 개념 미술가 작품으로 재해석한 현대미술 개념 추상화 최철주나팔꽃 p45-3
미술평론: 유명한 미술가, 추상 화가, 현대 화가, 현대미술가 & 한국 현대 미술 디자인평론가 최철주 현대미술 작품 팝아트 추상화 평론 / 신작읽기 미술평론 The artwork posted on Facebook: 미디어 아티스트, 현대미술가, 개념미술가, 현대미술 작가, 팝 아티스트 , 현대 설치미술가 & 추상 화가

욕망 개념 추상화 작품 배경 이미지:Louis, morning glory p45, a hand-painted picture on a computer, 2022
욕망 개념 추상화 <morning glory>는 나팔꽃의 실재를 의미하는 욕망 개념 이미지로 생성된 사실적 추상 이미지를 수작업으로써 배면이 비춰지는 교직된 천의 형태에 그려진 욕망 개념 이미지의 오브제다 즉 루이 최철주 <morning glory>의 개념 미술은 최철주의 욕망 개념 추상미술이론에 귀속된 추상적 관념이다.
따라서 추상화가 루이 최철주의 현대 개념미술은 타자의 욕망을 주제로 한 비실재로서 실제적 조형성의 흔적과 가역적 빛의 음영으로 실체한 욕망 개념을 추상한다. 이것은 사실적 이미지의 개념으로 한 회화성의 복귀 즉 실재의 자리를 대리하는 타자의 욕망을 추상하는 추상화다.
따라서 배반적 개념미술가로 한 추상 화가 루이 최철주 <morning glory>는현대 회화를 욕망 개념으로 추상한 디자인 컨셉으로 제작하여서 이것을 욕망 개념 이미지를 의미 구조의 형상으로 추상 디자인한다 즉 회화의 개념 추상 이미지를 기호화하여서 그 회화를 구상적 디자인한 추상화다.

2022 루이 최철주 <나팔꽃> 뉴욕 전시/전시작품 & 현대미술 욕망 개념 작품: 욕망 이미지 오브제와 피카소의 아나몰포시스 이미지로 한 현대 추상화가 루이 최철주의 욕망 개념 추상화: <나팔꽃> 포스터45

Louis Chul-joo Choi, morning glory 2022-h, 149X185cm, acrylic and composite materials on cloth, 2022
최철주나팔꽃으로 한 개념 추상화 디자인은 가역적 빛으로 생성된 공간에서 보이는 의미로 그려진 대상으로서 병아리가 타자의 욕망을 시간성에 감추어진 이미지를 가역적 빛의 음영으로 그 대상을 비추어서 다른 어떤 형상의 의미를 가리키며, 그 대상은 실제 가역할 수 있는 형상으로서 추상 공간을 정의하고 그 형상이 가역적 빛의 음영으로 실제 변화된 움직임에 의해 가려지는 개념 미술로서의 추상적 의미를 그린다.
배반적 개념미술로서의 추상화는 미술에서 사실적 구조물로서의 추상화를 말한다. 사실적 형상의 자리에 존재하는 개념적 의미들은 만화 리브 이미지로 구분될 수 있으므로, 추상화는 타인의 추상적 욕망을 만화 리브 이미지로 해석하는 가역적인 빛의 음영을 통해 그려진다.
Abstract painting as a treacherous conceptual art refers to abstract painting as a realistic structure in art. Since the conceptual meanings present in the place of the realistic shape can be divided into cartoon rib images, the abstraction is drawn through a reversible shade of light that interprets another person's abstract desire as a cartoon rib image as an image.
(*Cartoon rib image, that is, an image that emphasizes the hidden meaning of the cartoon)

Louis Chul-joo Choi, <Corona mutant viruses 6>, a hand-painted picture on a computer

Louis Chul-joo Choi, morning glory p45-3, a hand-painted picture on a computer
상상계에서 개념 미술의 추상적 의미는 실재와의 동일시하여서 외형적으로 오브제의 이미지와 추상적 의미를 동일한 주체로써 오브제의 이미지와 동일시되면서 내적으로 주체는 변형된 추상적 의미를 형성한다. 여기서 형성된 추상적 의미는 거울 앞에 선 유아가 본 것으로서 실재의 결핍을 타자의 욕망으로 수립한 허상이면서 실재의 이미지와 개념 미술의 추상적 의미를 상징하는 등록소다. 여기서 의미를 상징하는 등록소는 결핍된 실재의 추상적 의미를 보이는 은유로서의 상상계는 거울에 비친 오브제를 봄으로써 실재의 오브제의 상과 병아리가 만족하는 이미지로서 은유되며 거울에 비친 실재의 상에서 은유로서의 실재의 이미지는 거울에 비친 실재의 상과 동일시 되면서 그 이미지와 또 다른 추상적 의미의 상이 된다.
그리고 육화된 추상된 닭과 최철주나팔꽃 배경속에 감추어진 타자의 욕망으로서의 작은 조각의 이미지는 그 형상의 실제로서 Covid-19로 바꾸는 기표적 의중 운동을 통해서 가역된 실제 공간을 개념 추상화로서 최철주나팔꽃 45-3으로 전이한다.
이것은 최철주나팔꽃의 추상적 의미를 가리키며, 그 형상은 실제 가역할 수 없는 개념적 공간을 정의하고 그 형상의 실제 변화된 움직임에 의해서 변화된 형상이 음영으로 가려지는 추상된 욕망 개념 형상의 디자인적 의미를 가리킨다. / 글. 디자인평론가 최철주 (추상 화가 & 문화디자인박사)

Contemporary Art Work: Abstract Painting with Treacherous Conceptual Art: Louis Chul-joo Choi, bamboo forest 60-Corona mutant viruses are likely to infect existing infections again, a hand-painted picture on a computer/ Reinterpreting cartoon news review, which uses modern art abstract painting as treacherous conceptual art, as a conceptual artist's work

Desire Concept Realistic Abstract Work: In front of the bamboo forest h60-Corona mutant viruses are likely to infect existing infections again: By repeatedly applying the concept of imaginary world and desire and Choi Chul-joo's desire formula <D(I...I')d=I(D...D'i)i> to the image of the work, it acquires aesthetic value and reveals its meaning by realizing formability in the shadow of reversible light. / The meaning of the shape, which is covered by the actual changed instantaneous movement of the shape, results in linguistic abstraction. In other words, the realistic shape of the other person's desire in a momentary event is a linguistic abstraction of the same meaning. Conceptual art with morning glory and bamboo as cultural background is linguistic abstraction. The abstract creates a conceptual structure based on the shape of subsequent reality fostered by language and hides the desire of others in a momentary event.
Contemporary Art Work: Abstract Painting with Treacherous Conceptual Art: Louis Chul-joo Choi, morning glory p45-3-Corona mutant viruses are likely to infect existing infections again, a hand-painted picture on a computer/ Reinterpreting cartoon news review, which uses modern art abstract painting as treacherous conceptual art, as a conceptual artist's work

Desire Concept Realistic Abstract Work: Louis Choi chuljoo, morning glory p45-3-Corona mutant viruses are likely to infect existing infections again: By repeatedly applying the concept of imaginary world and desire and Choi Chul-joo's desire formula <D(I...I')d=I(D...D'i)i> to the image of the work, it acquires aesthetic value and reveals its meaning by realizing formability in the shadow of reversible light. / The meaning of the shape, which is covered by the actual changed instantaneous movement of the shape, results in linguistic abstraction. In other words, the realistic shape of the other person's desire in a momentary event is a linguistic abstraction of the same meaning. Conceptual art with morning glory and bamboo as cultural background is linguistic abstraction. The abstract creates a conceptual structure based on the shape of subsequent reality fostered by language and hides the desire of others in a momentary event.
Desire Design Methodology in Abstract Art Theory on Painting Design, ■ Contemporary Artist Choi Chul-joo's Desire Concept Abstract Design Methodology: <morning glory> As an Abstract Korean painting of Modern Art, Desire Formula <D(I...I')d=I(D...D'i)i> is applied to overlap the painting <morning glory p45-3-Corona mutant viruses are likely to infect existing infections again> created by reversible light. In addition, by re-applying the desire formula by linking verbal metaphor images, a phenomenal conceptual place is set in another place in one space as a shade of reversible light and abstracted.
This translates to the first non-realistic abstraction poster at Louis Choi Chul-joo's 2022 New York Exhibition to actualize the Desire Object. The image <morning glory> becomes a non-real abstraction of reality.
■ Examples of non-realistic abstractions include: objects of desire (light gray trousers) are affected sequentially by subtle changes in reversible light and follow a complementary contrast of light.
By repeatedly sketching design and applying Choi Chuljoo's desire formula "D(I...I')d=I(D...D'i)i" to the conceptual image of desire, it instantly acquires aesthetic value and reveals the meaning of abstract desire by realizing realistic formability in the shadow of reversible light at that moment. / The abstract meaning of the shape in which the actual changed instantaneous desire shape is hidden by the reversible movement of light results in linguistic abstraction. In other words, it is verbal abstraction with the same meaning as a realistic form of the other person's desire in a momentary event or performance scene. Choi Chul-joo's conceptual art with morning glory and bamboo as the background of cultural abstraction is the linguistic abstraction of images. The abstraction creates a conceptual structure based on the shape of reality after the meaning fostered by language and hides the abstract desire of others in momentary events and performance scenes.

Background image of an artist's artwork: Louis Chul-joo Choi, the bamboo forest 83, a hand-painted picture on a computer

Background image of an artist's artwork: Louis Chul-joo Choi, In front of the bamboo forest h83, a hand-painted picture on a computer

Background image of an artist's artwork: Louis Chul-joo Choi, morning glory p45, a hand-painted picture on a computer
<morning glory window p104-1-1> is a conceptual abstraction of desire as a treacherous conceptual art based on the cartoon review concept that images created by distorted images meaning the reality of <morning glory> are reversible shadows of light. This is a modern art movement that presents a methodology of realistic abstraction as a concept of modern desire.

Background image of an artist's artwork: Louis Chul-joo Choi, morning glory 2022-i, 147.5X183.5cm, acrylic and composite materials on cloth, 2022
As a treacherous conceptual artist, abstract painter Louis Choi Chul-joo produces a design concept based on a conceptual abstraction of modern painting and abstractly designs it in the form of a desire conceptual semantic structure. In other words, it is an abstract real painting that designs the painting by symbolizing the abstract real image of the painting. (Conceptual Art Theory on Abstraction by Choi Chul-joo)
Desire Design Methodology in Abstract Art Theory on Painting Design, Modern Artist Choi Chul-joo's Desire Concept Abstract Design Methodology: <morning glory 2022-h> As an Abstract Korean painting of Modern Art, Desire Formula <D(I...I')d=I(D...D'i)i> is applied to overlap the painting <Corona mutant viruses 6> created by reversible light. In addition, by re-applying the desire formula by linking verbal metaphor images, a phenomenal conceptual place is set in another place in one space as a shade of reversible light and abstracted.
This translates to the first non-realistic abstraction poster at Louis Choi Chul-joo's 2022 New York Exhibition to actualize the Desire Object. The image <morning glory 45-03> becomes a non-real abstraction of reality.
By repeatedly applying the concept of imaginary world and desire and Choi Chul-joo's desire formula <D(I...I')d=I(D...D'i)i> to the image of the work, it acquires aesthetic value and reveals its meaning by realizing formability in the shadow of reversible light. / The meaning of the shape, which is covered by the actual changed instantaneous movement of the shape, results in linguistic abstraction. In other words, the realistic shape of the other person's desire in a momentary event is a linguistic abstraction of the same meaning. Conceptual art with morning glory and bamboo as cultural background is linguistic abstraction. The abstract creates a conceptual structure based on the shape of subsequent reality fostered by language and hides the desire of others in a momentary event.
■ Choi Chul-joo's Concept of Desire Formul: The image of desire, which applies Choi Chul-joo's desire formula D(I...I')d=I(D...D')i to 'morning glory', connects the concept of desire with the background of 'morning glory ' as an image to create a landscape by floating morning glory in the sky. In addition, in <morning glory>, the desire formula "D(I...I')d=I(D...D')i" is substituted, the connection effect between the concept of desire and the "morning glory" as desire image shades the concept of desire in the reversible shadow structure by setting the object as the concept of desire image of women by the "morning glory". In other words, the image of desire (I) is the structure of desire (D) because desire (D) is repeated (I...I') in several images (D...D'), and the image of art behavior or desire image(I) appears as the concept of desire(i).

Abstract painting as a treacherous conceptual art refers to abstract painting as a realistic structure in art. Since the conceptual meanings present in the place of the realistic shape can be divided into cartoon rib images, the abstraction is drawn through a reversible shade of light that interprets another person's abstract desire as a cartoon rib image as an image. (*Cartoon rib image, that is, an image that emphasizes the hidden meaning of the cartoon)

Louis Choi Chul-joo, Corona mutant viruses7, a hand-painted picture on a computer
Desire Object <Louis Choi Chul-joo 2022 New York morning glory 45-03> The shadow scheme that reproduces the abstract representation image object hides the visual system, but is an abstract object that shows the unrealistic image revealed by the unconscious from the perspective of desire.
The desire of objects hidden in abstraction forms a dwarf image expressed through the other's suppressed unconscious desire to acquire artistry beyond generality and creates a desire of objects as beings, revealing the conceptual artistry of real and unrealistic abstraction by using the image of the other's desire as a semantic structure.
This replaces Choi Chul-joo's desire formula, which represents the meaning existing in Louis Choi Chul-joo's 2022 New York exhibition poster image, to reach a conceptual image of a divided desire to abstract another morning glory against the backdrop of pleasure and desire impulse. It shows the real image of the desire of the morning glory, which conceals the desire and inconsistency imagined by the morning glory with reversible shades in the visual system (Choi Chul-joo's desire formula D(I...I')d=I(D...D')i)
Louis 2022 New York exhibition 'morning glory 45-03' metaphorically expresses the meaning of life as a reality, a separate area from the realm of the symbolic world. There is no object to express, and the desire meaning of man as a cover-up overlaps with several reversible shades of light. In other words, it is not possible to distinguish which subjects are in the two phases, but these two images are identified as objects to be shown. Here, you can see an image different from the actual image, and the other person's morning glory cheers. The cheering morning glory is again overshadowed by reversible light because it is satisfied with images that are different from reality.
The satisfaction of others' desire for morning glory is another morning glory that equates images of other images with the same symbols as those of reality in the mirror, metaphors each other's desires with exhibition posters, and conveys meaning (signifier). As a visual culture of the semantic action of desire, the area of the painting where certain effects occur is <morning glory 45-03>, and the image that can see others' desires function visually in the landscape shows the actual and unrealistic expression of desire superimposed on the reversible shadow object of light to express the image of desire as an abstract image.

Louis Chul-joo Choi, morning glory p45-3, a hand-painted picture on a computer, 2022
The image of the structure of desire is an idea applied to Choi Chul-joo's desire formula by recognizing what is not in reality as the desires of others.
The image is an abstract image that depicts the unconscious and language alike. The morning glory you see here is a crooked structure with flat colors. This is Choi Chul-joo's concept of desire. So this is a crooked planarity that seems to have the consistent meaning of the morning glory in art conception. The flat image of the morning glory is an abstract desire image that sees the same conceptual art as the reality reflected in the mirror, but the shape of the background reflected in the shadow of reversible light is not the same.

Louis Chul-joo Choi, morning glory 45-03, a hand-painted picture on a computer, 2022
<morning glory 45-03> Meaning of Abstract Desire:
The abstract meaning of art as a modern art abstract work <morning glory 45-03> is a cross-sectional image of another cultural space that seems to be an object of change in custom, revealing the infant existence of a chick hidden in the shade of a morning glory as a chicken.
Louis Choi Chul-joo is an abstract painting depicting morning glory in 2022 New York Exhibition as an invisible desire piece in an abstract space, concealing the desires of others in the background of the morning glory, and overlapping objects in the shadow of the background of the "morning glory"
Here, the object hidden in the background of the 'morning glory' is a small piece as a desire of others. In fact, it abstracts reversible real space through the movement of symbolic weights that change the shape of the sculpture.
Assuming that space is a desire image formed by reversible shades of light, reality exists as an abstract and imaginary image that reproduces reality in a similar way.

Louis Chul-joo Choi, morning glory 45-02, a hand-painted picture on a computer, 2022/ 현대미술 회화 디자인: 개념적 의미 구조로서 형상 이미지를 기호화한 오브제 디자인
Image Design Abstract as Conceptual Meaning Structure: Desire Conceptual Poster Abstraction as desire image
"morning glory" is an object of desire painted in the form of an imge desire, reflecting the back of an image made by metamorphosis of desire, which means the reality of morning glory.
The image of the object of desire is an abstraction of contemporary art related to the Flushing Town Hall & Yeomyeong Hall poster in 2022 exhibition, which is related to the desire concept, which is a abstract modern conceptual art that repeats the desire of the image as an exhibition image of the painting.
Abstraction is thinking about the meaning of the other side because the more you see the form and distinguish the difference, the more you understand the form in one direction, and when you talk about abstraction with a specific image, it becomes a symbolic structure with different colors and sizes.
But desire abstraction, which has the same meaning as a conceptual form, is an abstraction with a realistic image structure of non-realistic concepts such as posters.
Therefore, a realistic abstraction is a real image with the same color and size of an object with a different abstract meaning than an abstract painting with the same meaning of a different shape.

Louis Chul-joo Choi, morning glory 45-01, a hand-painted picture on a computer, 2022
The object (Louis Choi Chul-joo 2022 New York exhibition morning glory 45-03), which depicts the meaning of the shape seen in the meaning space created by reversible light, represents an abstract space that can reverse the object into a real shape by structuring the meaning of the image that hides the desires of others with timeliness, and the meaning of the conceptual abstract, hidden by the actual changed movement of the shape, shows the desire of the object of the abstract image that reveals the place of the unconscious desire of the other as a non-real virtual image.
Conceptual artist Choi Chul-joo's abstract design is a return to a painterly painting with a conceptual mystery, a conceptual art design created by a painterly work. So his contemporary conceptual art criticizes phenomenal images such as current events, but also speaks and abstracts design values with painterly character.
In art, off-the-shelf can't replace painting, it's a concept created like Marcel Duchamp and a message according to the philosophy that his sympathizer Joseph Kossut speaks of.
On the other hand, Choi Chul-joo's conceptual art abstract design, which is based on the illusion of infant imagination in Choi Chul-joo's Abstract Desire art theory, contains the meaning of the concept in desire conceptual art abstraction images, combines critical perspectives and the life value of desire paintings with field photographs of events, beyond mathematical concepts and philosophical meaningful linguistic interpretations, and combines desire conceptual art abstract design with critical perspectives.
Here, desire conceptual art abstract design refers to an abstract design that can instantly recognize the desires of others through a gaze rather than an arbitrary philosophy. (Choi Chul-joo Conceptual Art Abstract Design Interpretation)
Desire for Picture Design Concept Abstraction Docent: Modern Art Critic Choi Chul-joo Desire Design Methodology: Choi Chul-joo Desire Image <morning glory> is expressed as the desire formula <D(I...I')d=I(D...D'i)i>. By applying <D(I...I')d=I(D...D'i)i>, overlapping the shades created by reversible light, applying the desire formula by repeating verbal metaphor images, and setting a phenomenal place in another place in one space as a shade of reversible light. As a cultural space, the image of <morning glory p45-03> designed as the conceptual art of desire at the 2022 New York Exhibition Center in Louis Choi Chul-joo has become an abstract painting that embodies the object of desire.

The image of <morning glory p45-03> designed as the conceptual art of desire at the 2022 New York Exhibition Center in Louis Choi Chul-joo has become an abstract painting that embodies the object of desire.

The abstract area of painting, which has a desire specific effect as a meaning of <morning glory p45-03> in conceptual art, is an image that allows you to see the desire of others who function gazefully in the landscape.
This is a planarity that seems to consistently mean morning glory in painting. The morning glory is the same as the mirrored reality, but the shape of the background is not the same. This is because abstraction as a conceptual semantic structure with a non-realistic shape with the same meaning as a conceptual semantic structure, but abstraction as the same meaning with different shapes is real non-realistic as an ideological non-formal existence with different colors and sizes.
Its existence refers to the abstract meaning of conceptual art, which defines abstract space as a real reversible shape and whose shape is obscured by actual changes in the shadow of reversible light.
Desire conceptual art abstraction, which replaced the phenomenal place of abstraction meaning with a poster, can distinguish the place of the shape, conceiving the meaning of the desire's surface that interprets the shape. The shape is abstract in color and size similar to the meaning of the ideological structure to say a different meaning, but in the imaginary world, the abstract meaning of conceptual art is identified with reality, so that the image of the object and the abstract meaning are identified with the image of the object, and the subject internally forms a modified abstract meaning. This refers to the abstract meaning of the shape, which defines an abstract space that can be actually reversible and refers to the design meaning of an abstract shape in which the shape changed by the actual changed movement of the shape is covered by shading.
Its meaning is designed as a symbolic language that symbolizes flowers that imitate the desires of others and is abstracted as <morning glory p45-03>.
Desire's object (Louis Choi Chul-joo 2022 New York exhibition morning glory 45-03) is reproduced as an abstract object by designing a shape that represents the desire of others in the abstract <morning glory>. In the desire's diagram of the perspective visual system, the visual system creates a shadow of reversible light concealed, and each of the desire objects as a different momentary gaze is abstracted from the other's desire perspective revealed in the unconscious.
In this way, the object abstracted as a desire conceptual art forms a distorted image expressed through the desire revealed in the other's suppressed unconscious to acquire artistry beyond generality, creates a desire object as a shade of formality with the desire of the other as an existence, and exists as a meaning.
As a semantic entity, the object of desire transforms the image of the object of desire into a structure of meaning with a distorted image from the perspective of the other's desire, revealing the image of desire as a different entity of the object, and implies formative value as an autonomous choice for the other's desire.
And a small piece of the other's desire, painterly hidden against the backdrop of a chicken's morning glory, actually shows a real abstract space that can be reversed through the thought movements of images that change shape. This means that the desire of the other exists as an abstract object, and actually the desire object is located in a realistic abstract space shaped on the back of the painting.

<morning glory p45> "Flame" is a meaning in which the desire of the other exists as an abstract object against the backdrop of the 2022 New York exhibition, and in fact, the object of desire is located in a realistic abstract space in which a Covid-19 image is embodied on the back of the painting.
The place of abstract space is no longer specified as abstract, but is displayed as conceptual art and abstraction. Abstraction begins in real life when an infant as a chick grasps the reality of a chicken along with the imaginary world of the image of desire reflected in the mirror. Recognizing that the image of desire as a subject is not itself, the image is transferred to abstraction by interpreting it as a symbolic world through separation from the symbolic image and reality. Abstract images and reality meet reality through division. It reveals the image of desire as a distorted image into reality, but it is an unrealistic reality, which is an encounter with reality, that is, abstraction.
The reality of the shape made up of the other's desire meeting with reality shows a non-realistic realistic shape that represents the meaning of the abstract landscape shape, which is obscured by the abstract desire of the other. The shape is an intersection with the actual structure chosen by the desire of the other, created in abstract shades.
This is a non-realistic realistic structure that is momentarily abstracted at the intersection where the desire of the other, designed as a reversible shade of light, appears as a gaze
Like Velázquez's "Las Meninas" the abstracted figure reproduces the actual position of the king and queen in the mirror with Velázquez's subjective perspective, making it unclear whether the position as a painter paints a mirrored object or a whole picture. Here, it is difficult to distinguish whether the position of the viewer should be adjusted to the entire picture or to the mirror. And the position of the king and queen in the mirror is unclear whether they are in the painting or reflected in the mirror outside the painting. In this way, it appears to be another abstraction of reality transferred from symbolism as an invisible reality by revealing the reality of another object other than the same object reflected in the mirror in the imaginary world.
By the desire of the other, one object was clearly concealed without being revealed as an object reflected in the mirror, and the reality of the person who sees the picture by looking at another object revealed in the mirror is absent. However, the person who drew the picture replaces the other.
At the 2022 New York Exhibition, Choi Chul-joo's expression of abstraction of desire as a conceptual system of desire in abstract art is a linguistic structure revealed by unconscious desire that disappeared from perspective, and the picture that appears as a result of this process has cultural and spatial significance. Picasso designs a place of culture like a composition that combines 3D images and collage techniques revealed in unconscious desire.
While these cultural design images recognize that multi-facetedly unrealistic images are virtualized in the planarity of painting, abstract images can be shaped by a technical method called new abstraction in modern art. This is a virtual image in which the original expresses existence and has an artistic value that emerges the concept of desire.
Therefore, the distorted desire image, which is culturally designed, is an image revealed through the desire thinking of others at a multi-point that appears to be a real structure.
The pictorial composition of cultural design is to transfer this image to a fixed image on the cloth. This is the object that designed the desire that emerged as a distorted desire image revealed by staring from the other's desire cultural perspective. / Writing. Choi Chul-joo, critic of contemporary art (contemporary artist & PhD of cultural design)