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만평: 최철주 시사만평 [2] 한가위 추석의 줄타는 민심 잡으려는 줄달리기-최철주 박사의 시사만평 뉴스 한줄 Dr.Chul-joo Choi's An Editorial Cartoon newsmanwha – an editorial cartoon: 최철주 박사의 시사만평 뉴스 한줄 Dr. Chul-joo Choi's editorial cartoon line news (2020-08-30) – 만평: 시사만평 [2] 한가위 추석의 줄타는 민심 잡으려는 줄달리기 - 만화가 최철주, 웹툰 뉴스: 시사만평 뉴스 한줄 A line News of Chul-joo Choi’s an editorial cartoon - 만화디자이너 최철주, 페인팅 & 웹툰 디자인 작품 A hand-painted picture by Chul-joo Choi on a computer & webtoon news cartoon design works by cartoon designer Chul-joo Choi Chul-joo.. 2020. 9. 30.
Art Review: Exhibition <atural and untouched new Sehando> 20200920- Choi Chul-joo's Art Review. Art Review: Exhibition 20200920- Choi Chul-joo's Art Review. utopia-65.1x100cm oil on canvas 2020 ​ ​ atural and untouched new Sehando ​ new Sehando, collects the effect of the language spoken by the letter on the world, making it one and forming the object from that effect. The subject of the lake's Utopia, which is not an carved object, is urbanized, and the object of Sejong's light is her . M.. 2020. 9. 22.
미술평론: 미술평론가 최철주 미술평론/ 강묘수 개인전 무위자연적 <신세한도> 20200923 - 20201010 BRT Small Art Museum 미술평론: 미술평론가 최철주 미디어아트평론/ 강묘수 개인전 무위자연적 20200923 - 20201010 BRT Small Art Museum - 최철주 미술평론 및 한국현대 미술평론가의 라캉 디자인 방법론적 평론 (웹사이트: newsmanwha & artreview​ - 미술평론): Lacan‘s Design Methodological Criticism of Choi Chul-joo's Art & Review and Korean Contemporary Art Review (Website: newsmanwha & artreview - Art Review) 강묘수 개인전 포스터: 20200923–20201010, BRT작은미술관 ​ ​ 무위자연적 는 글씨가 말하는 의미로서 세한(歲寒)에 미치는 것을 본받는.. 2020. 9. 22.
Art Review: Exhibition <atural and untouched new Sehando> 20200920- Choi Chul-joo's Art Review. Art Review: Exhibition 20200920- Chul-joo Choi's Art Review: Myo-soo Kang's atural and untouched utopia-65.1x100cm oil on canvas 2020 ​ ​ atural and untouched ​ collects the effect of the language spoken by the letter on the world, making it one and forming the object from that effect. The subject of the lake's Utopia, which is not an carved object, is urbanized, and the object of Sejong's light.. 2020. 9. 20.